Is your institution or school considering remote online proctored exams? Since the pandemic, this technology has allowed universities, professional...
When it comes to the continued shift to digital assessments, apprehension remains among some educators that the technology used to run exams is much...
As Australia faces a secondary teacher shortage, high schools are seeking outside help to deliver HSC exams in a reliable and COVID-safe...
After more challenging months of uncertainty and lockdowns for our teacher colleagues as well as parents, schools are open once more, and it seems...
In this eBook, we examine social learning tools and how they nurture core soft skills such as leadership, adaptability and...
In response to the global events of 2020 so far, organisations are needing to upskill, reskill and support their people rapidly and remotely. Now...
As I sit at my laptop at my desk in the peace of my bedroom awaiting my exam on Janison Remote to begin, I reflect on how different my experience of...
COVID-19 lockdowns have shown us that employees have a natural appetite to connect, collaborate, and acquire and share knowledge in a social...
This whitepaper offers practical steps that you as a manager, as well as your team, can take to make a smooth transition to effective remote...
This whitepaper explores how to keep your employees mentally and physically well amid these challenging times, and when you're physically...
Many managers are now finding themselves leading their teams remotely and wondering how to pass on practical methods to ensure productivity and...
When your staff have to work from home, compliance training is more critical than ever. But which options are best for your organisation? This guide...
The lockdown has accelerated educators’ and students’ interactions with online learning and assessment technologies. So, what happens next? New...
Here are some things that you may not know about why compliance training is even more crucial when your people are working from...
The coronavirus crisis has seen Australia’s institutions rapidly scale up their online education delivery and digital transformation strategies to...
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