Thinking of moving to a new online assessment platform? Ask these essential questions to assess it's suitability and make the right...
With so many students and so many tests, large-scale exams are tough to master. We explore the key requirements for getting them...
Online exams can be efficient and affordable, especially at scale. But they're not without their problems. We explore the...
The most crucial things to consider when making the switch from paper to online exams, to smoothen the...
Is your institution or school considering remote online proctored exams? Since the pandemic, this technology has allowed universities, professional...
Choosing an enterprise online assessment system is tough, and developing a partnership with the provider is the best path to...
Learn about some of the biggest concerns that organisations have when considering remote proctoring, and how they can be resolved....
Learn how exam software can help you to deliver tests much faster than paper-based tests, with quick authoring, marking, and...
These days, most institutions are delivering at least a portion of their tests online. An online assessment platform can provide time, effort, cost...
Made possible by a combination of AI face-recognition software and an inbuilt web camera, remote online proctoring promises huge opportunities within...
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