Protect your organisation amid COVID-19 and beyond with next-level compliance training.
Protect your business and people with motivating content catalogues on key compliance topics relevant for Australian workplaces.
Stay ahead of risk with Compliance Ready+
Our one-stop-shop of up-to-date compliance training tools allow you to educate your team and foster an inclusive and safe workplace – at home or in the office. Give your staff the confidence to proactively stem risk and know that they are working and acting ethically.
Keep your employees safe
Cut administrative burdens and easily ensure that all your people – including non-permanent staff, contractors and volunteers – have access to consistent compliance training.
Shield against legal risk
Safeguard your business from financial, criminal and reputational risk, and better defend it against claims of unlawful behaviour, by delivering legally informed content to all staff.
Reduce training and time costs
Run courses at a fraction of the expense of face-to-face training. Staff can take modules at a time that suits their own schedule, on any device.
Stay legally up-to-date
Have the confidence to know that your compliance modules are developed and regularly updated in collaboration with an Australian law firm and always reflect current legislation.
Deliver modern, engaging content
Ensure all members of your team understand and remember their legal obligations through modules that use a modern, storytelling-based approach, with rich emotive imagery and real-life scenarios.
Streamline your onboarding process
Use Janison Academy to consolidate your compliance resources and training pathways in one intuitive interface that’s ready when a new staff member joins your organisation.
What’s different about Compliance Ready+?
Our modern, relatable content is created by award-winning designers and uses a scenario-based approach via microlearning modules that are designed to be engaging, useful and relevant.
- Designed to be responsive on most devices
- Bite-sized 10-15 minute modules
- Easy-to-navigate course carousel and scrolling content interface
- Customisable for your brand’s own look and feel
- Developed in collaboration with an Australian law firm
- Always maintained and kept up-to-date to reflect the latest Australian legislation
Take a sneak peek at an animated discrimination
scenario from our Workplace Behaviour course catalogue.
Get your employees on board with compliance training that’s engaging, useful and relevant.
How it works
Compliance Ready+ can be deployed through Janison Academy, or from your own LMS. We know that not all organisations have the same compliance needs, and may need some learning modules and not others. Our team will guide you every step of the way to construct a one-stop-shop of microlearning courses built around your unique business requirements.
Choose your content
Pick and choose the modules you need to build learning pathways relevant for your organisation.
Go live
Provide us with your branding and user information – and our implementation team will get you setup and live in a week. If deploying through your own LMS, we will provide you with branded compatible files.
Account management and support
Access help when you need it with our online training resources, ongoing account management and helpdesk services.
Our compliance training course catalogues
We know that your organisation is unique, and so are its compliance needs. That’s why we structure our content in themed catalogues, so that you can select the content you need (and nothing you don’t) for your customised learning suite.

Workplace Behaviour
The Workplace Behaviour modules equip your team with practical knowledge of the correct way to conduct themselves at
work and provide guidance on how to support and protect their colleagues.
- What workplace discrimination is and the specific attributes protected by law
- Direct and indirect discrimination (and the exceptions)
- Individual responsibilities in the workplace and options for dealing with discrimination
- Age Discrimination Act 2004
- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- The many forms that workplace bullying can take, what it typically looks like and what isn’t bullying
- The impacts of workplace bullying
- Individual responsibilities in the workplace and the importance of taking immediate action
- Fair Work Act 2009 s.789FD
- Age Discrimination Act 2004
- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- How to identify harassment (including sexual harassment) in the workplace
- How it differs from discrimination and the specific attributes protected by law
- What harassment typically looks like and options for dealing with it in the workplace
- Fair Work Act 2009 s.789FD
- Age Discrimination Act 2004
- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- What victimisation is
- Examples of victimisation
- Options for dealing with victimisation in the workplace
- Fair Work Act 2009
- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Workplace Information Management
In a world where almost every aspect of our working life is digitised, the Workplace Information Management modules offer a crucial guide for your employees on how to protect your organisation from cyberthreat and misuse of information.
- Privacy and its relationship to the personal information we collect in the workplace
- Privacy legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles
- Data breaches and how to deal with them
- Privacy Act 1988
- What cybercrime is
- The impacts of cybercrime on business
- The different methods used by cybercriminals
- How to protect digital information in the workplace
- Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth)
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles
- Why GDPR was introduced and how it impacts Australian businesses
- The types of data covered by GDPR and how it interacts with the Australian Privacy Principles
- The difference between data controllers and data processors and their responsibilities under GDPR
- Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
- What digital communication is
- The pros and cons of digital communication
- The permanence of digital footprints
- What the law says about social media
- Some real life examples and tips for digital communication
- Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Workplace Ethics
The Workplace Ethics modules empower your team with essential knowledge so that they can be assured they always act ethically and in a legally sound manner, whatever your industry or marketplace.
- What money laundering and counter terrorism financing is and the techniques typically used by criminals to hide their profits, including the three stages of money laundering
- Your legal obligations, Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, and the common red flags that can alert you to money laundering
- Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
- What bribery and corruption looks like
- The global consequences of bribery and corruption and the legislation we must abide by
- How corruption can flourish and how to avoid typically risky situations, while being alert to red flag behaviours in the workplace
- Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), Part 7.6 Bribery and related offences, Division 70 Bribery of foreign public officials
- When conflicts of interest and conflicts of duty can arise in the workplace
- The different types of conflict and real life examples of each
- What it means to ‘do the right thing’ when it comes to recognising, disclosing and managing conflicts of interest
- Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
- Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth)
- What fraud is and its links to corruption in the workplace
- The substantial cost of fraud to businesses through real life case studies
- How to identify the typical characteristics of fraudsters using the fraud triangle
- The different types of fraud
- Behavioural red flags and how to minimise the risk of fraud in the workplace
- Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), Part 7.3 Fraudulent conduct
- Misleading and deceptive conduct and how to avoid it in the workplace
- ‘Puffery’ and other exceptions to the rules
- Australian Consumer Law and how breaches can have severe consequences for businesses
- Australian Consumer Law as set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
- What anti-competitive behaviour looks like
- Examples of illegal practices such as exclusive dealing, cartel behaviour, misuse of market power, concerted practices and retail price maintenance
- Australian Consumer Law and how breaches can have severe consequences for businesses
- Australian Consumer Law as set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)

Workplace Health and Safety
The Workplace Health and Safety modules bring day-to-day safety procedures and protocols to life to minimise risk and ensure the wellbeing of your team.
- The characteristics of hazardous manual tasks and their relationship to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- Common injuries and the physical and business cost of these
- How to perform manual tasks correctly to avoid injury
- Legal obligations under WHS laws
- Model Work Health and Safety Act
- The science of ergonomics and how it can be used to reduce the risk of injury in the workplace
- How to implement good ergonomics using best practice workstation design, optimised equipment and ergonomic job design
- The application of environmental ergonomics in the workplace
- The importance of emergency management and being fully prepared for risks in the workplace
- The roles and responsibilities of the typical Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) members
- Different types of workplace emergencies
- Emergency response procedures
- Australian Standard AS 3745 2010: Planning for emergencies in facilities
- The importance of work, health and safety (WHS) policy in minimising work related injuries, illnesses and fatalities
- What WHS is and the legislation that underpins it
- Your role in creating a safe workplace
- The consequences of non-compliance
- Model Work Health and Safety Act
- Specific management responsibilities of when it comes to work, health and safety
- The importance of consultation
- How to manage an incident
- Model Work Health and Safety Act
Compliance Training Essentials:A Guide to Effective ContentThat Minimises Risk forYour Organisation
With more and more employees working from home, compliance training is more critical than ever. But with so many training options out there, how do you know what’s best for your organisation? This guide will walk you through the pros and cons of different content types and the latest interactive learning features.

Unlock even more compliance training features with Janison Academy
Combine the power of Janison Academy with Compliance Ready+ to create a one-stop-shop that makes
training memorable and simple to deliver.
Want to learn more about our compliance training solutions?
Chat to one of our online learning consultants today.
or call us on 1300 857 687 (Australia) or +61 2 6652 9850 (International)