Our exam invigilators and invigilation services.
Experienced, eagle-eyed and empathetic, meet the people behind our exam events.

A skilled exam supervision team
A premium exam experience calls for a premium oversight team. Our worldwide pool of 600+ invigilators are experienced in delivering education as well as top-quality customer service to ensure all your candidates have a consistent, equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.
Exam invigilators are at the heart of your event
Invigilators are an integral aspect of exam day. As custodians of your event, they manage administration, greet, verify, support and monitor your candidates, uphold your institution’s procedures and work as a team to provide the best-possible exam environment.
Paper-based exam invigilators
Our traditional exam invigilators know what it takes to efficiently run a paper-based test. After marking attendance and verifying your candidates’ identity, they ensure each receives the correct paper, swiftly hand out extra writing materials if needed during the exam, as well as collect and securely collate scripts at the end.
Digital exam invigilators
Face-to-face digital exams are an increasingly popular method of delivering assessment and require a specialised set of skills from invigilators. Our team is trained to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible, including assisting candidates in set up, troubleshooting the exam platform and safely uploading answers when the exam ends.
Remotely invigilated exams
Remote online proctored exams give your institution the freedom to deliver assessment anywhere in the world. If you opt for our human supervision option, each of your candidates is assigned a one-to-one virtual invigilator, known as a proctor, who remains with them for the duration of their exam. Our proctors are skilled in protecting your exam integrity while being as unintrusive as possible to your candidates.
Expertise, empathy and experience
Excelling as an exam invigilator takes a special set of professional and personal qualities. Invigilators should be a confident yet reassuring presence in the exam role. A majority of our invigilators have a teaching or academic background, and more than half have 10+ years’ experience. We hand-pick our team to ensure they have the right balance of:
- Composure under pressure
- Ability to enforce rules and procedures firmly but empathetically
- An eagle-eye for detail
- Excellent verbal communication skills
- Ability to deal promptly and discreetly with any problems or challenges
- Outstanding observation skills
We train all our invigilators and provide regular ongoing training touchpoints such as workshops and forums. For specialised exams, we also provide event-specific training.

What it’s like to be an exam invigilator
I love meeting new exam candidates and putting them at ease, and greeting returning candidates and hearing about their milestones (new baby, new job, marriage, exam successes and failures). I enjoy the administrative side of preparing for exams, running the exams, and finally, wrap up on completion.
As invigilators we need to be aware, observant and organised. We need to check, check and check. At times we must be firm, as sometimes a candidate will question a rule or condition. It’s important to recognise that candidates are often stressed and may forget simple things like pens and calculators. We need to go with the flow and not add to their stress.
To be an effective invigilator requires good people and organisational skills. Having passion and compassion is also critical during a stressful exam period. Being able to place participants at ease before and during an exam makes a major difference to exam outcomes.
The success of any exam event starts with excellent forward planning by Janison Exam Management and myself. We need to always ensure that individual site locations are aware of the critical nature of our customers’ exams.
Invigilators require a full understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Our team understands these, which results in participants completing their examinations with minimum stress.
I joined the amazing Janison Exam Management Sydney team five years ago. Working closely and sharing our experience without reserve is a tradition and culture of the team. This team spirit allows us to maintain a quality service for our candidates so that they can focus on their exams and in return we can gain our clients’ trust.
A professional invigilator should possess the quality of attention to detail, being vigilant and able to communicate effectively. The appreciation from candidates at the end of exams is a boost to me.
I commenced with Janison Exam Management (formerly LTC) way back in the 80s and became chief in March 2013. I have a great passion for this role and have learned so much and met many people from all walks of life along this path. Here in Melbourne we have a very large team of enthusiastic and passionate people, most of whom have worked together for many years, this makes our work days enjoyable.
I would encourage people to join our friendly professional team, who will assist with your integration and mentor your development and understanding of the role of an invigilator.
Want to learn more about our exam management services?
Chat to one of our assessment consultants today.
or call us on +61 2 9692 9585