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Unlocking the potential in every learner

Janison is a global force for good – we exist to improve education and transform the way people learn. Our team of dedicated educators, technologists and change agents empower teachers, students, professional accreditation bodies and governments to achieve meaningful educational outcomes by measuring knowledge. Founded 20 years ago, we are an award-winning Australian owned, publicly listed edtech pioneer delivering more than 6.5 million assessments annually in over 117 countries.

Janison has an exclusive knowledge partnership with the OECD to deliver its PISA for Schools test, a low-stakes school-level benchmarking tool linked to the PISA framework which puts gold-standard data into the hands of educators. Janison also proudly delivers ICAS Assessments, a suite of tests including the renowned ICAS competition. The tests give an independent, objective and contemporary perspective on curriculum-based skills. 

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eLearning and online assessment solutions