Janison ranks in top 100 list of Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies 2018
Janison has been named among the top 100 on the Australian Financial Review's Most Innovative Companies list for 2018.
Janison was selected from more than 1,000 nominations to rank in 61st position on the annual list, which assesses the innovation prowess of Australian and New Zealand companies and organisations.
The company won the ranking for its Janison Replay exam-delivery application, a pioneering use of technology to unleash the power of education in remote communities and countries.
Janison believes in equitable access to the power of education and developed Janison Replay in response to clients’ critical problems in delivering high-stakes testing and examinations worldwide, often within developing countries or in remote locations, within a variety of government, educational and business contexts.
Janison Replay was originally created for the British Council, which needed a reliable and equitable solution to deliver its online English proficiency testing in more than 100 countries.
Janison Replay’s pioneering use of cloud, progressive web app and service worker technology means that poor internet – or indeed no internet – is no longer a barrier. It allows candidates to take a high-stakes test or exam on a phone, tablet or iPad, even in locations with zero connectivity.
Janison Replay first went live with a small pilot in China before being made available across a global network of testing centres. It is being further developed to deliver exams to schools in remote locations across Australia.
The AFR’s 2018 list defines innovation as “change that adds value”. It is judged based on one innovation which entrants have implemented in the past 12 months. It also surveyed entrants’ employees on how well companies put in place practices within their organisation to make innovation sustainable and repeatable.
Speaking following the announcement at a ceremony at the Four Seasons Ballroom in Sydney last night, Janison founder Wayne Houlden said: “Using innovation to improve education outcomes is at the core of Janison’s ethos. We are incredibly excited by the success of Janison Replay, it is a great demonstration of how the innovative use of technology can have a real and tangible impact on the quality of an education service.
“There’s quite a bit more innovation yet to come in the Janison Replay story, we are working on its next chapter now and look forward to the impact it will have to an even wider group of learners in 2019.”
The full list can be viewed here.
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